
In early 2019 I made the decision to finally fulfill my dream of serving with the Peace Corps. Since my young adolescent years, I had dreams of immersing myself in a culture so very unique from my own. When I received the news in September 2019 that my new 'home' would be the breathtaking country of Myanmar I was both elated and terrified. It was really happening. I was about to spend the next twenty-seven months of my life in a country unfamiliar to me.

Embedded within all great adventures, the unknown and frightening fuel our desire to explore further. Our challenges allow us the opportunity to grow, and facing adversity strengthens our resilience. The unknown is a gift. Always remember: "life begins at the end of our comfort zones".

I look forward to sharing my adventures and challenges as a Secondary Education English Teacher in Mon State, Myanmar over the next twenty-seven months with each of you. It is my hope that through my experiences, you too will fall in love with the people of Myanmar.

I graduated with my Master's degree in social work from the University of Texas at Arlington in December 2019, just months after receiving that life-changing e-mail from the Peace Corps placement office. In addition to my graduate studies, I spent many early mornings and late evenings teaching English to my online Chinese students through VIPKid. Prior to my decision to return to college (shout out to my undergrad - Axe'em Jacks!), I was a classroom teacher that worked with children at an early childhood education facility. Working with children has certainly always been part of my journey!
This born-and-raised Texas girl left her comfort zone in January 2020 to merge a passion for youth development and cultural diversity. It is my hope that through language instruction and immersion in Myanmar culture, I will help to strengthen oral language skills, foster literacy development, and enhance the self-confidence of both young and adult English language learners — "for the future leaders and changemakers of the world sit humbly in my classroom".