Highland Coos & Haggis: An Unexpected Next Adventure

I'll be perfectly honest here, visiting the United Kingdom was previously never high on my list when planning my next big adventure. It wasn't that I didn't want to go one day, I just had so many other destinations that I was craving to jet-set to first.

Then I met Brent, my partner who grew up in Manchester. 
A few English breakfasts and hours of flipping through photos of gorgeous Scottish castles and greenery later, he had me eagerly dreaming of exploring the highlands of Scotland. Also, who doesn't want the chance to pet a cute, fuzzy Highland Cow?!
Photo by Kristen with DandelionHillPrints

So, we're making it happen....we're headed to England and Scotland this spring!

I intentionally planned the trip around our anniversary and my 22nd, er, 3#... birthday (was it believable?). What Brent also tried to warn me of, but I totally disregarded initially in my daze of excitement, was that this time of the year is still quite rainy, windy and COLD. I am the girl who wraps herself in 2 sweaters, a scarf and about a half dozen fuzzy blankets when it drops below 65°
The other day Brent and I were out walking and it was about 54 degrees and fairly windy. I asked if Scotland would be colder and windier than it was that day, and he let out a hearty laugh. I guess this is going to be quite the adventure to say the least.

As with every trip I plan, I have already over-prepared. I am sure many of you are laughing when you read that I have purchased snow boots for April/May in Scotland. I have made a 'bucket list' of all the must-see and must-do sights and activities. I have enjoyed a few of Brent's favorite snacks (Discos and Monster Munch ftw). I have my Manchester United jersey washed and neatly folded. The flights are purchased and the suitcases wait patiently at the front of my closet to be filled with the abundance of unnecessary Amazon travel purchases.

I am so ready for this next unexpected adventure and cannot wait to bring you along with us! 

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