Self-Care Giveaway: Korean Sheet Mask Mini-Sampler

If there is one thing I love more than hotteok, that's Korean skincare. Before my trip overseas to Korea I had a bit of an, erm, addiction, to sheet masks. From Dr. Jart+ to Crème Shop, I had dozens upon dozens of different Korean sheet mask brands that I liked to mix into my triweekly mask self-care routine. There's a reason that Korean skincare and beauty is so popular!
Finding activities and things that you love for self-care are so important for your mental health. Not only do you get the chance to engage in something that you enjoy, but self-care can help manage your level of stress and prevent burnout, lower your risk of physical and mental illness, and even increase your energy levels. Make sure to find a little time each week to do something that brings you happiness - whether that be reading a chapter from a good book, taking a walk outside, eating a favorite comfort food, taking a bubble bath, or...doing a face mask!
Whatever it may be just do something you enjoy for yourself, because you deserve it you wonderful human, you!

And now I would like to share my favorite form of self-care with one of you!
From October 01, 2022 to 11:59pm on October 30, 2022 you will be able to enter to win a Korean sheet mask mini-sampler pack.
Entrants must live within the United States, as I am unable to ship outside of the U.S. at this time. ONE entry per person. Thank you (감사합니다)!
Click the image below to enter:  
Good luck!

UPDATE: We have a winner!


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