Seoul, Part 3: It's Corn - It Has the Juice in Korea

If there is one thing I've learned about Koreans, it's that they really love corn.
You can find corn soup chips, sweet corn milkshakes, corn kernels in your eggs in your breakfast sandwich, shrink-wrapped corn (in both regular and spicy variety), and of course at your favorite night market you can find street corn on the cob.
I'd see corn and corn-flavored snacks everywhere I went in Korea, including the shrink-wrapped corn found in convenience stores.
Sure, corn is great, but I never thought about putting it in a shake with oatmeal and drinking it.

Google translated it as "waxy corn"...mmm, appetizing?
I had a lot of experiences with corn while in Korea. My first was the morning we tried Isaac Toast, a popular toasted breakfast sandwich chain in South Korea. My stomach was growling, ready for a savory breakfast sandwich. When I bit into it and began to chew, I noticed something I did not expect to be hidden in my egg patty...corn kernels. Sweet corn kernels none-the-less. It was definitely something I had not anticipated, and personally it just wasn't for me.

One morning as we walked our daily route to the subway station, we passed a place called Compose Coffee. Something bizarre on the menu immediately caught my eye...
Yep, a sweet corn milkshake. MILKSHAKE.

I felt my stomach bubble as I winced at the thought of adding corn to my dessert. Those two things certainly shouldn't be a combination. But on our very last full day in Korea I just had to do it. I tried the sweet corn milkshake. And y'all, that thing was fire, 8/10.
Honestly, I couldn't imagine a more beautiful thing.

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