Home Has a Way of Finding You

Site announcement day is full of anxiety and excitement as each trainee finds out their permanent site after the 10 weeks of training commences. My cohort, MM5, was assigned to Magway Region, Bago Region, and Mon State. It is difficult to believe that PST (pre-service training) will be over in just a few weeks. Soon, we will be whisked away by our counterparts to begin our life at our permanent sites, our new home.

Today, I learned about the place I would be calling home for the next two years. I am beyond excited to announce that I will be living in the absolutely breathtaking and culture-rich Mon State! I cannot wait to meet my counterparts, community members, and students. Even a day later, I feel in shock and disbelief. I haven’t quite processed all the excitement yet, and with site visit just a few days away, I’m sure I’ll still be wading through a river of emotion as I experience this wonderful place for the very first time. I feel so incredibly lucky to have been given this unique opportunity and cannot wait to begin the next part of this journey alongside my community.

"You don't find home; home has a way of finding you."  
Map of Mon State

A little about my new home, Mon State: 

Mon State is located in the southern portion of the country. The capital of the state is Mawlamyine. Mawlamyine is the fourth largest city in Myanmar, and is known as the main trading center and seaport in southeastern Myanmar. In 2014, the population of Mawlamyine was more than 2 million. 
Flag of Mon State
Mon State also has small islands, such as Bilu Island (Ogre Island). Approximately 200,000 people inhabit Bilu Island. Mon culture is well-preserved here, the scenery is beautiful, and the people are incredibly friendly. 
The climate in Mon is very tropical, with heavy monsoon rain occuring a few months out of the year. It rains, and it rains, and it rains, and it rains. However, due to the climate, Mon State is very green and beautiful!

The rain brings many beautiful flowers and fresh fruits. Mon is known for their delicious mangoes.

Mon is home to many different ethnic groups, including the Mon people. According to Myanmar’s official tourism website, the Mon people were one of the earliest groups to reside in Southeast Asia. 

Rice and rubber are two of the largest crops produced in the state. In addition to these goods, paper, sugar, betel nut, timber production, and coastal fishing and related industries are sustaining businesses in Mon State. 

Mon State is home to the well-known Buddhist pilgrimage site Kyaik Htee Yoe Pagoda, or Golden Rock. It is located in Kyaikto. Additionally, Mon State is home to the largest reclining Buddha in the world, located at Win Sein Taw Ya Pagoda

I look forward to sharing a more intimate view of this lovely place and the kind people living in it, with you all.
Mon State photo credits: Marissa Carruthers

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